Different Types of Baby Blankets for Newborns
We all are connected to something or the other that helps us cope with stress and anxiety, be it squeezing on a smiley ball or having a fluffy toy to sleep. Similarly, baby blankets hold a special place on a baby’s growth as well. Just like we have our own side of the bed where we are comfortable sleeping, babies too have their own favourite blankets that they prefer over the others. These blankets not only help them keep warm but also ensure that they feel protected and calm at the same time. Just like babies can remember their favourite toys, they also very well remember the touch, feel and the smell of their favourite blankets as well. Almost 3 out of 5 babies are quite attached to their blankets. They usually rely on their favourite blanket to seek comfort during stressful times which makes their bond with their favourite piece of cloth even deeper. Hence, at Kicks and Crawl we always suggest parents to select the best baby blankets for their newborns. Baby blankets play an i...